
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

CClientScript positioning

CClientScript is useful for including css files and javscript files, while avoiding duplication.

Things to know:

1. Yii injects css files just above the <title> tag. So, if you want to always override some included yii style, put your <styles> or <link rel=stylesheets> AFTER the <title> tag, and it will get loaded after the yii styles.

2. I recommend putting all your <styles> and <link rel=stylsheets> in the <head> and all your <scripts> just before </body>. <scripts> are blocking, so your page will load faster if the <scripts> are at the bottom. use:

Yii::app()->getClientScript()->coreScriptPosition = CClientScript::POS_END;

3. if you want to include some inline javascript in a view, but make it load at the bottom, after say jquery, use the registerScript() method. To format your js nicely, you can use the Heredoc syntax:

/* load some formatted js into a php variable: */
$js = <<<EOF
var = 'some javascript here!';
    function() { return 'you can format it as you like, and include php $variables'; };

/* write the script at the bottom of the document  */
Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScript("some id", $js, CClientScript::POS_END);

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Shades of Grey (or Gray :)

black(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) #000000
gray1 #030303gray2 #050505
gray3 #080808
gray4 #0A0A0Agray5 #0D0D0D
gray6 #0F0F0F
gray7 #121212gray8 #141414
gray9 #171717
gray10 #1A1A1Agray11 #1C1C1C
gray12 #1F1F1F
gray13 #212121gray14 #242424
gray15 #262626
gray16 #292929gray17 #2B2B2B
gray18 #2E2E2E
gray19 #303030gray20(Safe Hex3) #333333
gray21 #363636
gray22 #383838gray23 #3B3B3B
gray24 #3D3D3D
gray25 #404040gray26 #424242
gray27 #454545
gray28 #474747gray29 #4A4A4A
gray30 #4D4D4D
gray31 #4F4F4Fgray32 #525252
gray33(Hex3) #555555
gray34 #575757gray35 #595959
gray36 #5C5C5C
gray37 #5E5E5Egray38 #616161
gray39 #636363
gray40(Safe Hex3) #666666dimgrey(SVG) #696969
dimgray(SVG) #696969
gray42 #6B6B6Bgray43 #6E6E6E
gray44 #707070
gray45 #737373gray46 #757575
gray47 #787878
gray48 #7A7A7Agray49 #7D7D7D
grey(16 SVG) #808080
gray50 #7F7F7Fgray(16 SVG) #808080
gray51 #828282
gray52 #858585gray53 #878787
gray54 #8A8A8A
gray55 #8C8C8Cgray56 #8F8F8F
gray57 #919191
gray58 #949494gray59 #969696
gray60(Safe Hex3) #999999
gray61 #9C9C9Cgray62 #9E9E9E
gray63 #A1A1A1
gray64 #A3A3A3gray65 #A6A6A6
darkgray(SVG) #A9A9A9
gray66 #A8A8A8darkgrey(SVG) #A9A9A9
gray67 #ABABAB
sgilightgray(Hex3) #AAAAAAgray68 #ADADAD
gray69 #B0B0B0
gray70 #B3B3B3gray71 #B5B5B5
gray72 #B8B8B8
gray73 #BABABAgray74 #BDBDBD
silver(16 SVG) #C0C0C0
gray #BEBEBEgray75 #BFBFBF
gray76 #C2C2C2
gray77 #C4C4C4gray78 #C7C7C7
gray79 #C9C9C9
verylightgrey #CDCDCDgray80(Safe Hex3) #CCCCCC
gray81 #CFCFCF
gray82 #D1D1D1gray83 #D4D4D4
lightgrey(SVG) #D3D3D3
lightgray(SVG) #D3D3D3gray84 #D6D6D6
gray85 #D9D9D9
gainsboro(SVG) #DCDCDCgray86 #DBDBDB
gray87 #DEDEDE
gray88 #E0E0E0gray89 #E3E3E3
gray90 #E5E5E5
gray91 #E8E8E8gray92 #EBEBEB
gray93 #EDEDED
gray94 #F0F0F0gray95 #F2F2F2
whitesmoke(SVG) #F5F5F5
gray97 #F7F7F7gray98 #FAFAFA
gray99 #FCFCFC
white(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) #FFFFFF

Cross-Browser CSS Horizontal Centering

/* use for inline (such as text or images) children */
/*reset the text align, as it inherits*/
.hcenter-child *

/* use for block children (ex divs) */
width:96%; /*needs any width other than auto*/

Cross-Browser CSS Border Radius


-moz-background-clip: padding;
-webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
background-clip: padding-box;
/*use a behavior file for border radius for IE6-8. see 
or try the jquery corner plugin */


Cross-Browser CSS Opacity

opacity:.5; /*50%*/
zoom:1; /*iefix*/

Cross-Browser CSS Linear Gradients


background-color: #DDDDDD; /*fallback*/
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#FFFFFF), to(#CCCCCC)); /*safari4+,chrome*/
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #CCCCCC); /*chrome10+,safari5.1+*/
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #CCCCCC); /*ff3.6+*/
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #CCCCCC); /*ie10*/
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #CCCCCC); /*opera11.1+*/
background-image: linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #CCCCCC);

zoom:1; /*iefix*/
/*GradientType 0=vertical, 1=horizontal*/
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0, startColorStr='#FFFFFF', EndColorStr='#CCCCCC');


Cross-Browser CSS Box Shadows

I'm starting a series on cross-browser CSS.

Here's how to make a box shadow in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and IE5.5+


/* parameters: horizontal-offset vertical-offset blur-radius color*/

-moz-box-shadow:5px 5px 5px #cccccc; /*ff3.5+*/

-webkit-box-shadow:5px 5px 5px #cccccc; /*safari3.2+*/

box-shadow:5px 5px 5px #cccccc; /*chrome3+, opera10.5+, ie9+*/

/* strength=shadow length. direction=angle in degrees clockwise from midnight. color=name or #nnnnnn*/

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=5, Direction=135, Color=#cccccc); /*ie5.5-8*/

zoom:1; /*iefix*/


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to fix font and color issues when you put a yii widget inside a jquery widget

If you put a Yii widget inside a jQueryUI widget, then it doesn't look quite right. Here's how to fix it

put this style sheet after you load jQueryUI's style sheet:

  /*use your site's font and font size*/
  .ui-widget {font-family:inherit; font-size:inherit;}

  /* make form controls inside jqueryui widgets use site font */
  .ui-widget input, .ui-widget select, .ui-widget textarea, .ui-widget button {font-family:inherit; }

  /* links go black inside jqueryui. this changes colour of autocomplete however... */
  .ui-widget-content a {color:#06C;}

Alternatively, you could just edit jQueryUI's style sheet, or roll your own theme.

Also, the blueprint css framework makes jQueryUI's datepicker look wrong. Look for the typography section of screen.css, and comment out this section:

/* thead th      { background: #c3d9ff; } */