CClientScript is useful for including css files and javscript files, while avoiding duplication.
Things to know:
1. Yii injects css files just above the <title> tag. So, if you want to always override some included yii style, put your <styles> or <link rel=stylesheets> AFTER the <title> tag, and it will get loaded after the yii styles.
2. I recommend putting all your <styles> and <link rel=stylsheets> in the <head> and all your <scripts> just before </body>. <scripts> are blocking, so your page will load faster if the <scripts> are at the bottom. use:
Yii::app()->getClientScript()->coreScriptPosition = CClientScript::POS_END;
3. if you want to include some inline javascript in a view, but make it load at the bottom, after say jquery, use the registerScript() method. To format your js nicely, you can use the Heredoc syntax:
/* load some formatted js into a php variable: */
$js = <<<EOF
var = 'some javascript here!';
function() { return 'you can format it as you like, and include php $variables'; };
/* write the script at the bottom of the document */
Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScript("some id", $js, CClientScript::POS_END);
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Shades of Grey (or Gray :)
black(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) #000000 | gray1 #030303 | gray2 #050505 | |||
gray3 #080808 | gray4 #0A0A0A | gray5 #0D0D0D | |||
gray6 #0F0F0F | gray7 #121212 | gray8 #141414 | |||
gray9 #171717 | gray10 #1A1A1A | gray11 #1C1C1C | |||
gray12 #1F1F1F | gray13 #212121 | gray14 #242424 | |||
gray15 #262626 | gray16 #292929 | gray17 #2B2B2B | |||
gray18 #2E2E2E | gray19 #303030 | gray20(Safe Hex3) #333333 | |||
gray21 #363636 | gray22 #383838 | gray23 #3B3B3B | |||
gray24 #3D3D3D | gray25 #404040 | gray26 #424242 | |||
gray27 #454545 | gray28 #474747 | gray29 #4A4A4A | |||
gray30 #4D4D4D | gray31 #4F4F4F | gray32 #525252 | |||
gray33(Hex3) #555555 | gray34 #575757 | gray35 #595959 | |||
gray36 #5C5C5C | gray37 #5E5E5E | gray38 #616161 | |||
gray39 #636363 | gray40(Safe Hex3) #666666 | dimgrey(SVG) #696969 | |||
dimgray(SVG) #696969 | gray42 #6B6B6B | gray43 #6E6E6E | |||
gray44 #707070 | gray45 #737373 | gray46 #757575 | |||
gray47 #787878 | gray48 #7A7A7A | gray49 #7D7D7D | |||
grey(16 SVG) #808080 | gray50 #7F7F7F | gray(16 SVG) #808080 | |||
gray51 #828282 | gray52 #858585 | gray53 #878787 | |||
gray54 #8A8A8A | gray55 #8C8C8C | gray56 #8F8F8F | |||
gray57 #919191 | gray58 #949494 | gray59 #969696 | |||
gray60(Safe Hex3) #999999 | gray61 #9C9C9C | gray62 #9E9E9E | |||
gray63 #A1A1A1 | gray64 #A3A3A3 | gray65 #A6A6A6 | |||
darkgray(SVG) #A9A9A9 | gray66 #A8A8A8 | darkgrey(SVG) #A9A9A9 | |||
gray67 #ABABAB | sgilightgray(Hex3) #AAAAAA | gray68 #ADADAD | |||
gray69 #B0B0B0 | gray70 #B3B3B3 | gray71 #B5B5B5 | |||
gray72 #B8B8B8 | gray73 #BABABA | gray74 #BDBDBD | |||
silver(16 SVG) #C0C0C0 | gray #BEBEBE | gray75 #BFBFBF | |||
gray76 #C2C2C2 | gray77 #C4C4C4 | gray78 #C7C7C7 | |||
gray79 #C9C9C9 | verylightgrey #CDCDCD | gray80(Safe Hex3) #CCCCCC | |||
gray81 #CFCFCF | gray82 #D1D1D1 | gray83 #D4D4D4 | |||
lightgrey(SVG) #D3D3D3 | lightgray(SVG) #D3D3D3 | gray84 #D6D6D6 | |||
gray85 #D9D9D9 | gainsboro(SVG) #DCDCDC | gray86 #DBDBDB | |||
gray87 #DEDEDE | gray88 #E0E0E0 | gray89 #E3E3E3 | |||
gray90 #E5E5E5 | gray91 #E8E8E8 | gray92 #EBEBEB | |||
gray93 #EDEDED | gray94 #F0F0F0 | gray95 #F2F2F2 | |||
whitesmoke(SVG) #F5F5F5 | gray97 #F7F7F7 | gray98 #FAFAFA | |||
gray99 #FCFCFC | white(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) #FFFFFF |
Cross-Browser CSS Horizontal Centering
/* use for inline (such as text or images) children */
/*reset the text align, as it inherits*/
.hcenter-child *
/* use for block children (ex divs) */
width:96%; /*needs any width other than auto*/
Cross-Browser CSS Border Radius
-moz-background-clip: padding;
-webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
background-clip: padding-box;
/*use a behavior file for border radius for IE6-8. see
or try the jquery corner plugin */
Cross-Browser CSS Opacity
opacity:.5; /*50%*/
zoom:1; /*iefix*/
Cross-Browser CSS Linear Gradients
background-color: #DDDDDD; /*fallback*/
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#FFFFFF), to(#CCCCCC)); /*safari4+,chrome*/
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #CCCCCC); /*chrome10+,safari5.1+*/
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #CCCCCC); /*ff3.6+*/
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #CCCCCC); /*ie10*/
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #CCCCCC); /*opera11.1+*/
background-image: linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #CCCCCC);
zoom:1; /*iefix*/
/*GradientType 0=vertical, 1=horizontal*/
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(GradientType=0, startColorStr='#FFFFFF', EndColorStr='#CCCCCC');
Cross-Browser CSS Box Shadows
I'm starting a series on cross-browser CSS.
Here's how to make a box shadow in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and IE5.5+
Here's how to make a box shadow in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and IE5.5+
/* parameters: horizontal-offset vertical-offset blur-radius color*/
-moz-box-shadow:5px 5px 5px #cccccc; /*ff3.5+*/
-webkit-box-shadow:5px 5px 5px #cccccc; /*safari3.2+*/
box-shadow:5px 5px 5px #cccccc; /*chrome3+, opera10.5+, ie9+*/
/* strength=shadow length. direction=angle in degrees clockwise from midnight. color=name or #nnnnnn*/
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=5, Direction=135, Color=#cccccc); /*ie5.5-8*/
zoom:1; /*iefix*/
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
How to fix font and color issues when you put a yii widget inside a jquery widget
If you put a Yii widget inside a jQueryUI widget, then it doesn't look quite right. Here's how to fix it
put this style sheet after you load jQueryUI's style sheet:
Alternatively, you could just edit jQueryUI's style sheet, or roll your own theme.
Also, the blueprint css framework makes jQueryUI's datepicker look wrong. Look for the typography section of screen.css, and comment out this section:
put this style sheet after you load jQueryUI's style sheet:
/*use your site's font and font size*/
.ui-widget {font-family:inherit; font-size:inherit;}
/* make form controls inside jqueryui widgets use site font */
.ui-widget input, .ui-widget select, .ui-widget textarea, .ui-widget button {font-family:inherit; }
/* links go black inside jqueryui. this changes colour of autocomplete however... */
.ui-widget-content a {color:#06C;}
Alternatively, you could just edit jQueryUI's style sheet, or roll your own theme.
Also, the blueprint css framework makes jQueryUI's datepicker look wrong. Look for the typography section of screen.css, and comment out this section:
/* thead th { background: #c3d9ff; } */