/index.php /protected/components/controller.php /protected/config/main.php /protected/controllers/SiteController.php /protected/runtime/ /protected/views/site/index.phpThe minimum necessary configuration file is (/protected/config/main.php):
return array('import'=>array('application.components.*'));SiteController.php should have this method:
public function actionIndex() { $this->render('index'); }That's it!
If you want use a layout, add:
/protected/views/layouts/main.php /protected/views/layouts/column1.phpTo enable gii, you need to add the /assets folder, and add this to your config:
'modules'=>array( 'gii'=>array( 'class'=>'system.gii.GiiModule', 'password'=>'password', ), ),For Model and Crud to work, you need to setup a db connection.
This article may not the right place to post this question, but as you seem know lot about Yii I would like to get the answer for this question which I have posted in following forum.,
This is how to pass multiple objects from Controller to View, (actionCreate)
and other question is how to attach multiple file uploads to a model without declaring field for each entry?
ReplyDelete1. to pass multiple objects from controller to view, just add them to the data array in the render function. when you pass 'model'=>$model, you can just add more items to that list.
2. to allow multiple uploads to a model i would use an array. check the yii wiki for dealing with tabular input.
Thanl you Neil McGuigan